The lingering effects of a brain injury can disrupt your life in many ways. However, making realistic lifestyle changes can help you live a fuller, happier life after a brain injury.

This guide will explore everyday changes you can make to enhance your health, comfort, and emotional well-being after sustaining a brain injury. Reach out to the knowledgeable Hartman Center specialists today to learn about our brain injury treatment programs.

Lifestyle Changes After Brain Injury

Life after a brain injury will be different than before it happened–but it’s possible to find joy and meaning. Making several small lifestyle changes can add up to substantial improvement in your emotional and physical well-being.

Here are five simple lifestyle changes you can make after sustaining a brain injury.

1. Follow a routine

In the earliest days of your recovery, your days were likely filled with therapy appointments, doctor visits, and other treatment-related activities. Instead of being in control of your schedule, others dictated your daily routines as you had to prioritize your brain injury treatment.

Once the majority of your days become open again, developing a routine that allows you to stay active and engaged in life is crucial. Create a schedule that includes daily hygiene activities, socializing, any recommended exercises, and rest. Following a daily routine will help you accomplish everything you need to do and prevent declines in your functioning.

2. Stay connected

Staying socially connected is crucial after a brain injury. Connecting with friends and family keeps your brain active, helping you maintain and improve your cognitive functioning. If you are able, volunteer with an organization you care about. Finding ways to connect and contribute will help you find happiness and meaning in your life.

3. Eat a brain-boosting diet

Eating specific nutrient-rich foods can help your brain recover after an injury. Focus on eating more foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and flavonoids, including:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Turmeric
  • Berries
  • Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens

Avoid ultra-processed and fried foods as much as possible to limit dietary sources of inflammation. The best option would be a diet rich in fish, especially small fish like salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel, balanced out with healthy carbs and vegetables. Also consider taking fish oil supplements, as omega-3 plays a crucial role in the management and recovery of brain injuries.

4. Stay physically active

It’s easy to fall into a routine of sleeping, watching TV, and napping when days are unstructured, or you don’t feel motivated to do much. Experiencing and recovering from a brain injury is tiring, and many people struggle to maintain motivation throughout the day.

Making exercise part of your daily routine can help you feel better and have more energy. Exercise can also be critical in the healing process. Ask your medical team to recommend safe exercises you can do at home or find a local group that provides therapeutic recreation for people with TBI.

5. Celebrate your wins

It’s easy to focus on what you’ve lost after sustaining a brain injury, but getting stuck in those thoughts won’t help you move forward. Instead, think about your accomplishments in recovery. Pay attention to small gains and signs of progress and celebrate them.

Life after a brain injury can come with a lot of challenges. It’s important to actively focus on your hard work and successes each day to help you stay optimistic about your new future.

Find Brain Injury Treatment Now

Comprehensive brain injury treatment can help you live fully after a TBI. Reach out to the Hartman Center specialists now to explore our effective programs and find the support you need to thrive after brain injury.