Vertigo is a condition that causes the feeling of being dizzy, unbalanced, or unsteady. People who live with vertigo can seek treatment that can help them reduce and manage their symptoms so they can feel and function better.

But how do you know if what you’re feeling is vertigo? Keep reading to learn more about the possible causes, signs, and symptoms of vertigo.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a symptom of other conditions that causes the sensation of dizziness or spinning. Sometimes, people experience mild vertigo symptoms for just a few moments. But in other cases, someone may experience dizziness or feel unsteady for hours or days.

Vertigo can develop quickly and happen over and over. Vertigo can sometimes prevent people from functioning in their day-to-day activities. Vertigo treatment can address the symptoms of vertigo and help people reduce or eliminate periods of vertigo.

Possible Causes of Vertigo

In many cases, vertigo is a symptom of an inner ear problem. Here are some of the most common causes of vertigo.


Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) occurs when tiny calcium particles collect in your inner ear and interfere with your sense of balance.

Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease develops as a result of fluid buildup in the inner ear that causes a change in pressure. Ringing ears–also known as tinnitus–and vertigo are common symptoms of this condition. Hearing loss can also occur.

Vestibular neuritis

Some viral infections can cause inner ear problems, including vestibular neuritis. Inflammation in the inner ear can affect the nerves there and impairs balance.

Other causes

Although not as common, vertigo can occur as a result of other conditions, including:

  • Head injury
  • Neck injury
  • Stroke
  • Brain tumors
  • Medications that damage the ears
  • Migraines

Symptoms of Vertigo

The symptoms of vertigo can be mild or severe and can occur suddenly. Some people may be able to ignore mild symptoms, and others may be incapacitated by severe vertigo that lasts for days.

Common symptoms of vertigo include sensations like:

  • Dizziness
  • Tilting
  • Feeling unbalanced
  • Spinning
  • Swaying
  • Leaning or being pulled in one direction

People may also experience the following:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Jerking eye movements
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Ringing ears or hearing loss

Symptoms may come and go over a period of minutes or hours and can vary from person to person.

What Are the Vertigo Treatment Options?

Understanding what is causing vertigo is essential to treating it. For many, vertigo disappears without treatment as the brain adapts to changes in the inner ear.

But for some, treatment is critical to manage their symptoms and provide relief from vertigo.

Treatment options range from physical therapy and chiropractic care to medications and surgery, depending on the frequency and severity of your vertigo.

Finding Vertigo Treatment

If you experience periods of dizziness or vertigo, you don’t have to just live with the discomfort. The Hartman Center offers a holistic approach to vertigo treatment that can help you manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of your vertigo episodes. Reach out to our team today to learn more about our treatment programs.