Most people who sustain a concussion will see their initial symptoms disappear in two to four weeks. Rarely some people will have lingering symptoms for six weeks or more. However, each concussion is different, and recovery timelines can vary depending on various factors.

Many wonder if they can return to work or school while recovering from a concussion. This guide will explore a typical timeline for concussion recovery and how to determine when it’s right to return to your daily routines.

Reach out to the Hartman Center specialists to learn about the effective concussion treatment options we offer.

Understanding the Symptoms of a Concussion

Each person has their own experience with concussion recovery. However, many people with a concussion experience similar symptoms that include:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Poor balance
  • Vision changes
  • Changes in mood
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Difficulty with concentration and thinking

At times, the symptoms of a concussion won’t show up until days–or even weeks–after the injury occurs.

Can I Work or Go to School During Concussion Recovery?

Immediately after sustaining a concussion, limiting all stimulating activities is essential. Most medical professionals recommend that people rest for one to three days, which allows their brains to avoid further strain and begin to heal.

People should not work or attend school during this initial rest period. They should not take any medications unless their doctor tells them to and must have continuous supervision for the first 48 hours.

People with a concussion must consult with their doctor before returning to regular activities, such as:

  • Driving a car
  • Returning to work
  • Making major decisions
  • Traveling by airplane
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Playing sports

It’s critical to ensure concussion recovery is progressing before people engage in activities that could stress the brain. Your ability to return to work or school may depend in part on what activities you perform as part of your job.

Steps That Support Concussion Recovery

Your concussion recovery will take time and patience, but there are some simple things you can do to improve healing. These include:

  • Prioritize rest and sleep. Take frequent breaks throughout the day, especially after doing things that may stress your brain and body.
  • Eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and drink plenty of fluids. Good nutrition and hydration are crucial aspects of healing after a concussion.
  • Take time away from playing sports until your recovery is complete. Avoiding strenuous activity allows your brain and body to heal and limits the chance of further injuries.
  • Limit screen time. Staring at a screen may strain your eyes and worsen headaches.
  • Treat your nausea with ginger. Ginger ale, candies, and chews can help settle your stomach and relieve persistent nausea.
  • Be patient as your body and brain heal. Full recovery can take time, but you will likely make a complete recovery.

Take good care of yourself and seek treatment for new or lingering symptoms.

Find Concussion Treatment Now

If you or someone you love needs effective concussion treatment, reach out to the Hartman Center specialists to explore our programs. Find the support and care you need by contacting us today.