Many conditions, including concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI), can affect how your brain and body function. Brain injuries, infections, mental health disorders, and other conditions can have a profound impact on your functioning and general well-being.

Holistic therapies can help support the body’s healing process and provide benefits throughout the treatment and recovery process for many conditions. Live O2 therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are two holistic treatments that can improve people’s functioning after medical conditions or injuries.

This article will explore the similarities and differences between Live O2 therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. You’ll learn how these therapies work, when they’re used, and their benefits.

If you or someone you love struggles with brain fog, dizziness, cognitive deficits, or other symptoms related to long COVID or TBI, you are not alone. Effective treatment and support are available at The Hartman Center. Contact our intake team to learn more about our holistic approach to wellness or to schedule an appointment.

What is Live O2 Therapy?

Live O2 therapy is a holistic treatment that can raise blood oxygen levels. Live O2 therapy sessions involve performing light exercise while breathing saturated oxygen. The Live O2 process can significantly increase blood oxygen levels, with some research showing 433% increases in blood oxygen absorption.

Many health experts and medical practitioners believe that oxygen levels in the blood can have an impact on a person’s immune system and ability to heal. Increasing blood oxygen levels may positively affect a person’s ability to recover after brain injury, illness, or another condition.

Live O2 therapy can be adapted to meet a wide range of needs. Sessions typically last only 15 minutes, and exercises can be tailored to people’s varying fitness levels or preferences.

What is Live O2 Therapy Used For?

Medical and holistic health practitioners believe that higher blood oxygen concentrations can benefit a range of health conditions. Increasing blood oxygen saturation may promote faster healing and increase functioning for people living with:

  • Headaches
  • Brain fog
  • Migraines
  • Sleep problems
  • Post-concussion syndrome
  • Balance and coordination issues
  • Breathing problems
  • Chronic pain
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Increasing the saturation of oxygen in the blood can result in better cellular growth and performance, resulting in better healing and improved health outcomes. Some of the most commonly reported benefits of Live O2 therapy include:

  • Cognitive improvements, including better focus and clearer thinking
  • Improved coordination and balance
  • Less pain
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Improved immunity

Health experts believe increasing oxygen levels throughout the body can reduce inflammation and increase energy. These effects can support healing and promote overall well-being.

Holistic health practitioners may offer Live O2 therapy to people struggling with tissue damage, nerve issues, or symptoms of inflammation. People may participate in Live O2 therapy as part of a wellness treatment plan or independently to address specific symptoms.

What to Expect During Live O2 Therapy

Unlike hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Live O2 therapy can occur in various settings, including outpatient clinics and private offices. It does not require a special pressurized chamber, allowing greater access and ease of use.

During sessions, people wear comfortable clothing of their choice. They wear a mask attached to a reservoir containing two pouches. One pouch contains 95% pure oxygen, and the other contains high-altitude air.

Before the session begins, the medical staff will attach heart rate and blood oxygen monitors to assess the therapy’s effects. People then start to ride the recumbent bike, alternating from low to high intensity. These fluctuations allow the body to pull in more oxygen.

The practitioner administering the therapy will advise each patient on how to manage aftercare and when to come in for treatment. Generally, people may be advised to stay hydrated and eat well between Live O2 sessions.

Many people feel the positive effects of Live O2 therapy right away. They may notice improvements in their sleep, energy levels, and ability to focus.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a controlled, pressurized environment. This form of therapy has been used for many years to counteract the effects of decompression sickness resulting from scuba diving. Medical specialists may also use it to treat a range of other conditions, including:

  • Air bubbles inside of blood vessels
  • Wounds that resist healing due to radiation injury or diabetes
  • Severe infections

The air pressure inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is two to three times higher than normal air pressure. This allows the lungs to absorb significantly more oxygen than they can at normal pressure levels.

Taking in more oxygen can help the body fight bacteria more effectively. It also prompts the body to heal by increasing the production of stem cells and growth factors.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used For?

Doctors and other medical professionals may advise their patients to use hyperbaric oxygen therapy for various medical conditions involving tissue damage or infection. Some of the conditions that may respond well to hyperbaric oxygen therapy include:

  • Brain abscess
  • Air bubbles in the blood vessels
  • Wounds that will not heal effectively on their own as a result of diabetes or other conditions
  • Crushing injuries
  • Gangrene
  • Radiation injuries
  • Sudden vision loss
  • Skin grafts
  • Burns
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Skin or bone infections that cause the death of bodily tissues
  • Sudden deafness
  • Decompression sickness after scuba diving

Bodily tissues require oxygen to function correctly. Tissue injuries require higher levels of oxygen to survive and heal. Increasing the amount of oxygen in the body’s bloodstream can increase the body’s ability to heal itself.

Repeated hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions can result in temporary high oxygen levels. Even after treatment, oxygen levels in damaged tissue may remain at a normal level.

What are the Risks of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Most medical professionals agree that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is safe. While complications are generally rare, there are some risks associated with this therapy.

Potential risks of hyperbaric oxygen therapy include:

  • Temporary changes to eye lenses that may result in myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Oxygen toxicity in the central nervous system (CNS) that may cause seizures
  • Low blood sugar in people with insulin-controlled diabetes
  • Ruptured eardrum, leaking fluids, and other middle ear injuries caused by air pressure changes
  • Barotrauma (lung collapse) caused by changes in air pressure

In addition to these risks to the people participating in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, there is also a small fire risk due to the high oxygen levels inside the treatment chamber.

What to Expect During Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Typically, hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions occur in an outpatient clinic setting. However, some people may participate in this therapy during hospitalization for other conditions.

Before participating in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, you will change into scrubs or a hospital gown. You may be required to remove all petroleum-based hair and skin care products to reduce the risk of fire. You will also be required to leave behind all battery-powered devices, including mobile phones.

You may complete a therapy session in a chamber designed for one person or in a chamber that accommodates several people. You may lie down or sit during treatment. Oxygen may be administered through a mask or a transparent hood worn over your head.

During a therapy session, you may experience a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears. This can be uncomfortable, but you may be able to reduce your discomfort by swallowing or yawning.

Generally, hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions last about two hours. Some people report feeling hungry or drowsy after completing a therapy session. People typically attend several or many sessions, depending on their condition and needs.

Live O2 Therapy vs. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Which is Right For You?

While hyperbaric oxygen therapy and Live O2 therapy both increase blood oxygen levels, there are some critical differences between these therapies. Understanding these differences can help you make informed decisions about your health treatment.


Research shows that Live O2’s innovative process increases blood oxygen levels more effectively and for longer periods than hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The Live O2 process creates force within the body, resulting in the body pulling in more oxygen. It also decreases the risk of problems related to being in a pressurized environment.


Live O2 therapy is customizable, allowing people with different fitness levels, conditions, and abilities to benefit from it.  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy relies on a one-size-fits-all approach that may not be right for everyone.

Treatment time

There are some significant differences between the treatment times for Live O2 therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Live O2 therapy sessions take around 15 minutes and are typically several days apart. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions are usually an hour or more, and people must attend sessions on most or all days of the week to see benefits.

Overall treatment experience

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can cause unwanted side effects. People may feel claustrophobic during treatment sessions and experience discomfort related to air pressure changes. They may also have ear pain or discomfort throughout each therapy session and feel tired afterward.

Live O2 therapy sessions do not require spending time in an enclosed chamber. People remain comfortable throughout treatment without experiencing effects related to air pressure changes. Many participants report feeling energized for hours or days after a therapy session.

Live O2 therapy provides a comfortable, accessible treatment option for most people. Participating in this type of therapy can have significant benefits for a person’s health, healing, and overall well-being.

Find Live O2 Therapy

If pain, dizziness, brain fog, or other symptoms are part of your everyday life after concussion or TBI, you don’t have to simply put up with feeling this way. Learn more about LiveO2 therapy by contacting the specialists at The Hartman Center. Explore how LiveO2 and our other holistic therapies can help you work toward a lifetime of health and wellness.